Our Structure

VATLL is governed by a Board of Directors. Three teams, which include Board members as well as other VATLL members, manage the major aspects of VATLL's ongoing work.


  • leads the Board’s thinking about the design and delivery of cutting-edge programs.
  • provides feedback to staff about professional learning needs in the field.
  • includes the Conference Committee, which plans and executes VATLL’s flagship Annual Conference.


  • develops positions and documents that guide student-centered advocacy efforts.
  • informs policymakers about key educational issues.
  • partners with other state organizations and governmental entities to influence education policy.


  • designs and monitors member services, ensures the value of VATLL membership.
  • directs efforts to “give back” to the field through initiatives such as annual awards, publication of the VATLL Journal, and other value-adds for Virginia educators.


Additionally, the Board includes these standing Committees:

The GOVERNANCE Committee

  • identifies potential vacancies on the Board and assists with recruiting candidates.
  • prepares the slate of candidates and oversees elections and appointments of Board members.
  • recommends areas and activities for Board development.

The RESOURCE Committee

  • prepares the annual budget.
  • reviews income and expenditure accounts and ensures responsible accounting practices.
  • recommends and implements investment strategies to secure VATLL’s financial stability.